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dc.description.abstract | Purpose: This study aims to find effectiveness of role playing toward the students with disruptive
classroom behavior. Empathy being important part for adolescents development to ensure that
adolescents avoid harmful behaviors to others and capable to adapt in the environment. Lack of
empathy in adolescents appears to be a neglectful attitude towards the social environment and often
disrupts the social environment. Although empathy is considered as an emotional state, empathy often
has a cognitive component in the form of the ability to see psychological states in others, or also
called by taking the perspective of others so that empathy is considered important to reduce disruptive
behavior in class. Role playing can help someone form a deeper understanding of certain situations so
that they are able to see from another’s point of view.
Method: The subjects in this study were 8th grade students of SMP Swasta Kartasura who had average
and low empathy categories as well as had high disruptive behavior. There are 32 subjects in this
study who were divided into 2 groups by matching sampling that known as the control group and the
experimental group. This study used an empathy scale with the pretest-posttest control group design
experimental design to collected the data.Scale validity test used content validity test, with the help of
expert judgement which was carried out by six experts. Based on the results of calculations using the
Aiken formula on 58 items of empathy scale, it could be obtained four items with a value below 0.79,
so that there were 54 valid items. Meanwhile, the reliability of the empathy scale was measured using
Alpha Cronbach’s reliability. The results of the empathy scale trial showed that the Alpha reliability
value obtained was 0.86, so it was appropriate to be used in the measurement of empathy for junior
high school students. The empathy scale, which totaled 54 items, changed after the trial, in which one
item eliminated, and 53 items were appropriate for use in the study scale.
Results: Hypothesis testing in this study uses the technique of Independent Sample T-Test with z =
-4,138 and sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000 where p <0.01, which means that there is a significant difference
in the level of empathy between groups that got the role playing training compared to groups that
are not got the role playing training. Thus, training plays an effective role in increasing empathy in
students with disruptive behavior in class. Empathy increase gradually occurs in two subjects, while
other subjects experience an increase directly from average to high. There was also one subject who had
no change in empathy scores at follow-up data. | id_ID |