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dc.contributor.authorApriliya, Lidya Clarisah
dc.contributor.authorHutami, Rieka F.
dc.identifier.citationAdelina, P. (2018). Pengaruh Penerapan Supply Chain Management Practices (Scmp) Terhadap Supply Chain Performance (Scp) Pada Sentra Industri Kaos Suci Bandung. Bandung: Telkom University. Anatan, L. (2010). The Effect of Implementation of Supply Chain Management Practices on Supply Chain Performance and Competitive Advantage. Karisma, 4(2), 106-117. D., I. P. (2015). Metode Penelitian dan Bisnis. Bandung : PT Refika Aditama. Gandhi, A. V., Shaikh , A., & Sheorey , P. A. (2017). Impact Of Supply Chain Management Practices On Firm Performance Emphirical Evidence a Developng Country. Internasional Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 45(4), 366-284. doi:10.1108/IJRDM-06-2015-0076 Gustavsson, M. (2008). Information Quality Implications of Planning Proccess Integration. Journal of Manufaturing Technology Management , 333-347. Heizer, J., & Render , B. (2015). Operation Management. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Holt, D., & Ghobadian, A. (n.d.). An empirical study of green supply chain management practices amongst UK manufacturers. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(7), 933- 956. Ibrahim, S. B., & Hamid, A. A. (2014, Agustus ). Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness. Internasional Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3(8), 187-195. Kim, S. (2006). Effects of supply chain management practices, integration and competition capability on performance. An Internasional Journal: Supply Chain Management , 11(3), 241- 248. Putra, A. H. (2016). Peran UMKM dalam Pembangunan dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Kabupaten Blora. Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 5(2), 40-52. Sc., S. M. (2017). Metode Penelitian Bisnis . Yogyakarta: ANDI. Sundram, V. P., Chandran , V., & Bhatti , M. U. (2016). Supply chain practices and performance: the indirect effects of supply chain integration. An International Journal, 23(6), 1445-1471. doi: 10.1108/BIJ-03-2015-0023id_ID
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of supply chain management practices (SCMP) on Sentra Industri Tahu Cibuntu Bandung. Methodology: This study utilizes survey data of 723 micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) Sentra Industri Tahu Cibuntu Bandung and sample size this study is 30 respondents. The methodology and hypothesis testing proposed in the conceptual in this research used descriptive. Results: This research suggests that the supply chain management practices (SCMP) effect on Sentra Industri Tahu Cibuntu Bandung. Applications/Originality/Value: This research is an attempt to empirically test the impact of supply chain management practices (SCMP) on Sentra Industri Tahu Cibuntu Bandung.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2019 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleSupply Chain Management Practices (SCMP) on Sentra Industri Tahu Cibuntu Bandungid_ID

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