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dc.contributor.authorWalukow, Auldry F.
dc.identifier.citationAndreas RK, Choudhury K, and Kampa E. (2001). Protecting Water Resources: Pollutiion Prevention. Secretariat of the International Conference on Freshwater. Bonn. Bapedalda. (2007). Kajian Dampak Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Jayapura, Bapedalda Kabupaten Jayapura. BP DAS. (2005). Rencana Teknik Lapangan Rehabilitasi dan Konservasi Tanah DAS Sentani. BP DAS. Jayapura. Chapra SC, dan Reckhow K.H. (1983). Enginering Aproaches For Lake Management. Butterworth Publishers. Boston - London Dahuri R. (2003). Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut Aset Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Indonesia. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. Efendi H. (2003). Telaah Kualitas Air Bagi Sumber Daya dan Lingkungan Perairan. Kanisius. Yogyakarta. Guo HC, Liu L, Huang GH, Fuller GA, Zou R., and Yin YY. (2001). A System dynamics approach for regional environmental planning and management : A study for the Lake Erhai Basin. Journal Environmental Management 61, 93 – 111. Goldar B dan Banerjee N. (2004). Impact of informal regulation of pulution on water quality in rivers in India. Journal Environmental Management 73:117-130. Kristanto P. (2002). Ekologi Industri. Andi. Yogyakarta Lukman dan Fauzi. (1991). Laporan Pra Survei Danau Sentani Irian Jaya, dan wilayah sekitarnya. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Limnologi LIPI. Bogor. Mustafa G, Kashmiri MA, Shahzad A, Mumtaz MW, and Arshad M. (2008). Estimation of Pollution Load at Critical Points in Stream Water Using Various Analytical Methods. Journal.Applied Environmental Sciences 3,97–105. PU. (2007). Master Plan dan Detail Desain Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Danau Sentani. Dinas PU, Jayapura. Sartohadi, J., Widyastuti, M. dan Lestari, I. S. (2005). Penyebaran Air Tanah Bebas Tercemar Air Lindi di Sekitar TPA Piyungan Kabupaten Bantul, DIY. Forum Geografi. Vol 19, No. 1, Juli, pp. 16-29. Umar C, Setiadi E, Tjahjo DWH, Mujianto, Astuti LP, Sugianti Y, Widarmanto N, Romdom S, Sukandi U dan Kosasih E. Identifikasi dan Karakteristik Habitat dan Populasi Ikan di Danau Sentani Propinsi Papua. Pusat Riset Perikanan Tangkap.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Sentani Lake is located in Jayapura regency which at covered east Sentani, Sentani, and West Sentani districts. The Sentani Lake has problems. The first problem is high of erosion number 94,52 ton/ha/year that the value higher than value of erosi on tolerance number 25 ton/ha/year. Second problem is chemical pollution indicated by high concentration Cu (0,0201- 0,1081 mg/L) and Zn (0,21 - 0,36 mg/L) Those concentration are exceeds water quality standard that approve by government in PP 82 Tahun 2001 about management water quality and water pollution control. There for is needed research and management for sustainable of Sentani Lake. The aims of this research are 1) to analyze about the pollution load Sentani Lake, and 2) to analyze the assimilation capacity Sentani Lake aquaculture. The research method are survey and experiment. Results from a research showed that the load of pollution from river is obtained as follow (each in ton/month) is Pospat (ranges between 0,57 to 4,74). The assimilation capacity from lake is obtained as follow (in ton.month) is Pospat (1,40). The load of pollution are uper of the assimilation capacity.en_US
dc.subjectthe pollution loaden_US
dc.subjectthe assimilation capacityen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of The chemistry Parameter Phospat in Sentani Lake Aquaculture Based Environmentalen_US

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