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dc.description.abstract | The research aims at knowing the influence level of educator certified teacher competency,
year of service and reasoning of economic social to work dicipline of Vocational High School
teacher in Pati regency. This research is quantitative approach. The approach applied to analyse
level of independent variable influence to dependent variables. Population in this research is all
Vocational High School teacher in Pati regency which have passed certification up to the year
2008. Sample is determined by 103 teachers. Sampling with proportional technique of random
sampling. Data analyzing technique used is multiple regression linear analysis.The result of this
research shows that influence competency of educator certified teacher, year of service and
reasoning of economic social is significant (0,000). With coefficient of determination (R2) 0,476 or
equally various variable dependent (teacher work discipline) explainable 47,6% by independent
variable competency of educator certified teacher, year of service, and reasoning of economic
social). Result of parsially indicates that competency of educator certified teacher to have positive
significant influence (0,000) to work discipline, year of service has positive significant influence
(0,002) to work discipline and reasoning of economic social has influence is positive segnifikan
(0,004) to work discipline. Suggestion submitted the side of school and the teachers is (1) the side
of school and teacher need to maintain and increase competency of educator certified teacher, (2)
Headmaster need to consider competency, year of service, and reasoning of economic social in
choosing people who will be given addition duty additinal outside teaching, (3) the side of school
must try to increase level of economic social of the teachers. | en_US |