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dc.contributor.authorWinoto, Sudi
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dc.description.abstractThe research aim to describes 1) human resource management 2) school finance management, and 3) tool management prasaran school at national standard school smp 2 gubug regency. qualitative research with etnografy approaches this lift head and headmaster deputy, teacher, and employee as informen. Data collecting technique uses observation, docmentation and deepth interview. while data analysis uses pattern interaktif with data collecting component, data rediction and conclusion withdrawal. The result of this research shows that 1) human resource management at national standard school on secondarry schools on Gubug regency, includes quality of teacher HR aspect passes selection wisdom for gtt. , and the development is carried out according to institute and individual creation. 2) finance management at secondarry school on gubug regency carried out by school treasurer and school finance income source comes from central government, local government and student parents contribution. School finance responsibility to government and society, made by hadmaster; 3) Plant and equipment school tool management is carried out by section or tool area leadership deputy. Infrastructure tool management is carried out with management implementation preventif periodical and planing.en_US
dc.subjectSchool Management,en_US
dc.titleVaria Pendidikan, Vol. 22, No. 1, Juni 2010 88 88 IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN SEKOLAH PENDIDIKAN DASAR DI ERA DESENTRALISASI DAN OTONOMI DAERAH (Studi Situs di Sekolah Standar Nasional SMP Negeri 2 Gubug)en_US

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