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dc.contributor.authorWijayanto, Heri
dc.identifier.citationEffendy, Bisri. 1998. Reyog Ponorogo Kesenian Rakyat dan Sentuhan Kekuasaan,.Jakarta: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Kurnianto, Rido. 1997. Dampak Kesenian Reyog Ponorogo terhadap Jiwa Keagamaan Konco Reyog di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Lembaga Penelitian dan Studi Kawasan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Kurnianto, Rido, dkk. 2006. Tradisi Warok dan Marginalisasi Perempuan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Hasil penelitian yang didanai Dirjen Dikti Diknas Jakarta tahun 2006. LPPM Unmuh Ponorogo. Kumorohadi, Tugas. 2004. Reyog Obyogan Perubahan dan Keberlanjutan Cara Penyajian dalam Pertunjukan Reyog Ponorogo. Surakarta: PPS STSI. Nursilah. 2001. Reyog Ponorogo Kajian Terhadap Seni Pertunjukan Rakyat Sebagai Pembentuk Identitas Budaya, Jakarta: FISIP UI. Pemkab Ponorogo. 1993. Pedoman Dasar Kesenian Reyog Ponorogo dalam Pentas Budaya Bangsa. Ponorogo.en_US
dc.description.abstractReog is an identity and soul of Ponorogo society. The terms of Reog and Ponorogo are two words intertwining each other. When someone mentions the name of Ponorogo, his/her mind thinks of the beautiful Reog dance that is interesting to watch. When watching Reog performance, he/she will remember Ponorogo city as the original city of the Reog dance. The intertwining of the words Reog and Ponorogo is connected with the image of Reog Ponorogo dance which has been well-known in Indonesia and other countries. The image of Reog Ponorogo is used as the icon of Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province. So, as an icon, the government of East Java Province and Indonesian holds the performance of Reog Ponorogo in many other countries, because this dance is the tourism ambassador to other countries. Ganongan that is the second main character after Dadak Merak in Reog Ponorogo dance is the object that is emphasized in the Enterpreneurship Internship by considering that the process of making Ganongan does not need a lot of expenses and the process can be done by the interns. During the internship, the interns of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo in Mbah Sisok Reog artisan found new innovation in Ganongan that was the kind of materials for Ganongan’s hair. So far Ganongan’s hair has used the hair of cows’ tail for all over the body and head. Now, Ganongan’s hair is changed by using the hair of a horses’ tail only in the upper part of the head, so that such hair gives impression that it has punk hairstyle. Beside that, the colour of the hair is also changed, so it gives impression that in this modern style Ganongan looks so fierce. Having an interesting design, Ganongan looks more powerful and robust, fearful but funny, and are suitable with the character it plays.en_US

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