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dc.description.abstract | The government’s effort to reduce the number of unemployment and poverty in accordance
with the Medium Term Development Plan amounted 5,1 percent is difficult
to achieve if there is no effort to develop the Rill Sector. The revitalization of Rubber
Plantation is based upon: (1) has a strategic role as a source of public revenue, (2)
both domestic and export markets, (3) able to absorb labor, (4) ensuring environmental
sustainability. The obstacles faced by the Rubber development focus on: (1)
Productivity of the plantation is low, because there are many plantation which are
damage by wild plant material, (2) the domestic downstream industry is less developed,
(3) there is no special funding available for plantations, and (4) the policies
are less supportive the development of plantation. Based on the development of rubber
in 1992-1996, the result has been able to encourage economic growth and to increase
the farmer’s incomes in Aceh significantly. | en_US |