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dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study was to analyze factors influencing the production of
organic rice that is land area, seed, labor, fertilizer, and water. This study uses OLS
analysis tool (ordinary least squares method). The results show a significant correlation
between the variable land area (LH), number of seeds (BH), number of
workers (TK), total fertilizer (KDP), and the cost of irrigation (AIR) with organic
rice production. Among these five variables is negatively related to variable
fertilizer. While the existence of the model test showed that the model exists for use.
Land area (LH) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice. The
number of seeds (BH) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice,
Labor (TK) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice. The use of
organic fertilizers (KDP) have an influence on the production of organic rice nagatif.
The cost of irrigation (WATER) has a positive influence on the production of organic
rice. The results of the classical model assumptions there is no problem, either
multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, specification model, and normality. | en_US |