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dc.contributor.authorMalik, Nazaruddin
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dc.description.abstractThis research utilized the fit-strategic approach of the organizational-fit theory to examine the role of strategy and Human Resource Management practices in enhancing the organizational performance. The objectives is to explain the effect of moderating and effect of matching of the strategy and HRM practices with organizational strateg on the market performance of banking industry. The quantitative data is acquired from the annual report of 23 listed bank in Indoesian Stock Exchange on the period of 1999 – 2006 (Balance panel data). The quantitative analysis result then combined with qualitative data acquired from the case study approach. The result shows that the HRM strategy has role to strengthened the influenced of organizational strategy on the market performance of banking industry. HRM strategy will improve the bank’s market performance. The HRM strategy will be able to enhance the bank’s market performance if it has lower gap or matching with organizational strategy. The HRM practices implement as bundles (internal employement systems) has more significant impact on the market performance compare to partial HRM practice. This further evidenced that internal fit determine the external fit or the the working of moderating effect and matching effect from HRM strategy. The different combination of types of organizational strategy with types of HRM strategy to be implemented is also could result in the differences in market performance. However, the ability to optimized the contribution of HRM strategy to the performance is also influenced by senior management capabilities pressumed as the inheritance of core value of organization.en_US
dc.subjectHRM strategyen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational strategyen_US
dc.subjectfit strategyen_US
dc.subjectmoderating fiten_US
dc.subjectmatching fiten_US

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