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dc.contributor.authorBudiarto, Slamet
dc.identifier.citationAldanondo, M. 1997. Performance Evaluation of Manufacturing System with Multi-level Stock Profile. Journal of Integrated Manufacturing System. Vol.8 No.1, pp. 35-42, MCB University Press, London. Bourne, M., and Mills, J. 2000. Designing, Implementing and Updating Performance Measurement System. International Journal of Operation & Production Management. Vol.20, No.7, pp. 754-771, MCB University Press, London. Blanchard, B.S., and Fabrycky, W.J. 1990. System Engineering and Analysis. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey. Checklan, P. and Scholes, J. 1991. Soft System Methodology in Action. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. Grabowska Anna. 2003. New Learning Environment at The Traditional University in Poland. Kapland, R.S., Norton, D.P. 1996. Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts. Kuwaiti, M.E. 2000. The role of performance measurement in business process reengineering. International Journal of Operations & Production Mangement. Vol.20 No.12, pp. 1411-1426. MCB University Press. Neely, A., Bourne, M., and Kennerley, M. 2000. Performance Measurement System Design: Developing ang Testing Process-based Approach, International Journal of Operation & Production Management. Vol.20, No.10, pp. 1119-1145. MCB University Press, London. Schmenner, R.W., and Vollmann, T.E. 1994. Performance Measurement : Gap, False Alarms and the “Usual Suspects”, International Journal of Operation & Production Management. Vol.14, No.12, pp. 14-12. MCB University Press, London. Shaw, C.F. 2000. Manufacturing Planning and Execution interface, International Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol 19, No.1. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn USA. Tang X. 2003. Handout, Systemic Thinking to Developing a Metha-Synthetic Support for Complex Issue. Tranfield, D. and Fari, A. 1995. Performance Measurement: Relating Facilities to Business Indicators. International Journal of Facilities. Vol.13, No.3, pp. 6-14. MCB University Press, London. Wang, M., and Smith, G.W. 1998. Modelling CIM System; Part I: Methodologies, Journal of Manufacturing System. Vol.1, No.1, pp. 13-187. Watts, C.A., and Hahn, C.K. 1994. Monitoring the Performance of Reorder Point System: A Control Chart Approach, International Journal of Operation & Production Management. Vol.14, No.2, pp. 51-61. MCB University Press, London. Wu B., 1992, Manufacturing System Design and Analysis, Chapman & Hall, London.en_US
dc.description.abstractDalam penelitian ini, untuk meningkatkan kinerja OHMS yang karakteristiknya lebih kompleks, digunakan soft systems methodology yang banyak membantu para manajer untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang bervariasi dan kompleks. Permasalahan tersebut sering menemui kegagalan dalam penyelesaiannya ketika pendekatan system engineering (SE) digunakan. Penelitian menunjukan gambaran aktivitas lebih jelas, dan penentuan indikator lebih terstruktur dengan mengkombinasikan IDEF0. Melalui soft systems methodology yang dikuantitatifkan pada langkah debating menunjukan aktivitas A4, yaitu membuat produk, paling penting dengan bobot 35,32%. Dari hasil dekomposisi aktivitas kritis meliputi A12: merencanakan program produksi dengan bobot 9,17%, A41: mengendalikan produksi dengan bobot 9,17%, A32: mendapatkan kapasitas produksi, dengan bobot 8,72% dan A45: mengetes rakitan akhir dengan bobot 8,72%. Selanjutnya kinerja yang perlu dicermati pada ICOM’s (Input, Control, Output, Mechanism), lebih banyak pada input aktivitas kritis.en_US
dc.subjectPeningkatan Kinerjaen_US

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