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dc.contributor.authorAsj’ari, Sri Rahajoe
dc.contributor.authorSadewa, Ahmad Hamim
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dc.description.abstractAerobic practice that requires high oxygen comsumption causes the increasing of free radical in body. Free radical excess can make oxidative stress, then turn up to increase the bleeding time and the number of blood cell. Oxydative stress can be solved by using antioxidant. Vitamin C is one of exogen antioxidant which can be gained from supplement and fruits, such as tomato. Tomato is one of vitamin C sources contains antioxidant named lycopene. Lycopene is a potential compound that has antioxidant activity stronger than β-carotene and vitamin E. tomato is a fruits which can be found esily in any season, and at relatively cheap price. The aims of this research were examining the research subject characteristic and the advantages of tomato juice (olanum lycopersicum) by comparing vitamin C combination and bioflavonoid as antioxidant in hampering the increasing MDA after high impact type aerobic practices. The method of this research was experiment of the same subject. The sampling was done in 6 time, before and after first treatment (high impact type aerobic practices), before and after second treatment (tomato juices given in one week and high impact type aerobic practices) and before and after third treatment (combination vitamin C and bioflavonoid given in one week and high impact type aerobic practices). Before blood sampling, the research subjects signed the informed consent. MDA and vitamin C plasma dose were measured by colorimetry. Statistic method used in this research was Anova test, which was continued by paired t test. The research subject had the same characteristic, because the activities, the life pattern, and the food eaten were the same. On plasma MDA dose, the result was that there was a significant defference between the treated groups (p<0,05). a 100 ml dose of tomato juice had an equal capability to vitamin C combination and bioflavonoid 320 mg in hampering the increasing of plasma MDA after high impact type aerobic practicesen_US
dc.subjectHigh impact type aerobic practicesen_US
dc.subjectTomato juiceen_US
dc.subjectPlasma MDAen_US

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