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dc.contributor.authorPurwanto, Setiyo
dc.contributor.authorInsomnia, Relaxaxion therapy
dc.identifier.citationBenson, Herbert. MD., 2000. Respon Relaksasi: Teknik Meditasi Sederhana dan Untuk Mengatasi Tekanan Hidup (terjemahan). Bandung: Mizan Borkovec TD,. 1982. Insomnia. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Vol 50, No 6 880-895 Carlos H. Schenck. 2003. Assessment and Management of Insomnia. Article JAMA Vol 289 No. 19 Espie. Colin A. 2002. Insomnia : Conceptual Issue in the Development, Persistence, and Treatment of Sleep Disorder in Adult. Annual Reviews 53:215-43 Lichstein, Kenneth L., Johnson, Ronald S., 1993. Relaxation for Insomnia and Hypnotic Medication Use in Older Women. Psychology and Aging vol 8 No. 1 103-111 Liu. Xianchen et al. 2000. Sleep Loss and Day Time Sleepiness in the General Adult Population of Japan Psychiatric research 93 1-11 Panteri, IGP. 1993. Gangguan Tidur Insomnia dan Terapinya Suatu Kajian Pustaka. Majalah Ilmiah Unud th xx No 37. Parmet. Sharon., lynm. Casio, Glass., Richard. 2003. Insomnia Journalof American Medical Association. Vol 289 No 19 Prawitasari, J.E., 1988. Pengaruh Relaksasi terhadap Keluhan Fisik: Suatu Studi Eksperimental. Laporan Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi UGM Schenck, Carlos H. Mahowald, Mark. Sack, Robert., 2003, Assesment and Management of Insomnia, JAMA vol 289. No 19 Utami, M.S. 1993. Prosedur Relaksasi. Fakultas Psikologi. Yogyakarta : UGM. Woolfolk, Robert L., McNulty Terrence F. 1983. Relaxation Treatment for Insomnia: A Componen Analysis. Journal of Consulitng and clinical Psychology. Vol 51 No 4, 495-503 Chopra, D. 2003. Tidur Nyenyak, Mengapa Tidak? Terjemahan. Yogyakarta : Ikon.en_US
dc.description.abstractSleep disturbance frequently experienced insomnia is a sleep disorder that has features difficult start to sleep, woke up in the middle of the night and wake up with a condition that is not fresh. The cause of insomnia is associated with psychological disorders, biological or environmental factors. One therapy to cope with sleep disorders are insomnia with relaxation. basic principles of relaxation is relaxation of the muscles of the body, during sleep the mind and muscles to stimulate each other. Relaxation of muscles relax causing reduced cortical activity in the cortex would allow the muscles more relaxed. Once the stimulation of the mind down so someone will feel drowsy and fell asleepen_US
dc.subjectRelaxaxion therapyen_US

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