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dc.description.abstract | This study aimed to apply the model of interactive learning in science lessons with
group work, as an effort to repair and improvement of the learning process. The
research method using a Classroom Action Research studies carried out by
following the procedures based on the principle Kemmis S, MC Toggar R (1988)
which includes planning activities (planning), action (action), observation
(observation), reflection (reflection) or evaluation. The fourth activity takes place
repeatedly in the cycle. The research was conducted by way of collaboration
between faculty PGSD (FKIP-UMS) with elementary school teachers
Muhammadiyah Surakarta Special Programs West Town. The results showed that
(1) increased student performance after learning science using interactive
learning model. Students are very enthusiastic about discussing the topic in
discussion, and seek answers and find information about the topic. Students vied
with each other suggested information (what they know) about the topic. After the
division of groups of students working in accordance with their respective duties,
(2) increased student achievement after experience interactive learning with
group work. In the first cycle of the average value of 5.859 individual students; nilaia group average of 6.102. In the second cycle the average value of 6.512
students and the average value of 7.615 groups, while the third cycle the average
value of 7.948 students and the average value of 7.384 groups. Based on the
values obtained can be concluded that students' interactive learning model can be
used by the working group to study a class action. | en_US |