INTERTEKSTUALITAS PUISI “PADAMU JUA” AMIR HAMZAH DAN PUISI “DOA” CHAIRIL ANWAR: Menelusuri ‘Cahaya’ al-Qur’an dalam Puisi Sufistik Indonesia
The study focussed on the intertextual analysis of poems “Padamu Jua”, masterpiece
of Amir Hamzah and “Doa”, masterpiece of Chairil Anwar. The study aims to
describe: (1) the intertexts relation of the poem “Padamu Jua” and “Doa”; (2) the influence
of the poem “Padamu Jua” as hypogram on the poem “Doa”; and (3) to describe
the possibility of the al-Qur’an as an inspiration source. The research method is qualitative
since it uses participant observation technique. This means that the researcher gets
into the realms of data, comprehends them, and continuously systematizes the object of
study. The object of study is the intertextualities of the two poems while the data are
qualitative types in the form of verbal word or discourse within the poem text. The result
of study shows that: (1) there is intertextual relation between the poem “Padamu Jua”
and “Doa”; the poem “Padamu Jua” is as a hypogram while the poem “Doa” is as its
transformation; (2) directly or indirectly, the poem “Padamu Jua” and the poem “Doa”
can be seen on the structure, the imagination use, and a slight different expression of its
theme; (3) there is a strong tendency that the two poems constitute the Indonesian sufistic bellesletters inspired by the al-Qur’an verse “Light of above Light” ( S. an-Nur: 35) as its hypogram. Therefore, the two poems are categorized as highly valuable works which are successfully to integrate the devine and human dimension.