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dc.contributor.authorARIF, AFROSIN
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dc.description.abstractLocal executive elections and other elections conducted very often make the election cost become larger and can burden local government budget. The problem may not only stimulate local conflict, but also lower community participation. These issues encourage the emergence of the idea of concurrent local executive elections so that building a model of concurrent local executive elections and compiling implementation are needed. The purpose of this study is to describe the legal format of concurrent local executive elections implementation and describe factors hampering the implementation of that legal format of joining local executive elections. This study is categorized as the research study using qualitative descriptive methods. Data sources in this study come from information and documents related to the research. Two models are found as the results of this research. First, the election must hold by mergering local executive election for mayor or head of district with local executive election for governor that term ends in the same month and the same year or in the period between 1 to 30 days. This has been proven from the current election for Governor of Central Java Province and election for the head of Temanggung district which was more efficient in term of budget and resulting high participation of the voter. Secondly the election would be more affective if the election of Governor and districts majors/heads at the same time. In addition, obstacles found from this study in conducting those models are as follows: there has been no regulation which makes it possible to elect governors/mayors/head of districts for a long time. There is the absence of legislation regulating the percentage of the budget division of concurrent local executive elections; and it will emerge conflict if the candidates for province and district or city level are nominated by different political parties or different coalition of political parties.en_US
dc.subjectconcurrent local executive electionsen_US
dc.subjectlegal formaen_US
dc.titleMEMBANGUN MODEL PENYELENGGARAAN PEMILIHAN UMUM: Sebuah Studi Tentang Format Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah Gabunganen_US

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