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dc.contributor.authorSuripto, Agus Suryo
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dc.description.abstractThis research tries to assess of law and regulation aiming to overcome poorness from national storey; level until area, to do/conduct the synchronization of law and regulation arrangement to overcome poverty from national storey; level until area and also to analyze the principle of justice, both for having the character of constitutive and also regulative which during the time made by the basis of arrangement to overcome poverty. This research is executed in Sragen district. Performing this research, writer uses the descriptive research. Sources of data used primary data that represents a number of fundamental data taken as especial reference in this research, such as Indonesian Constitution 1945, Act No.22/1999 about Governance Area, Act No.7/1996 about food, Act No. 5/1993 about Improvement of to Overcome Poverty, Presidential Decree No. 124/2001 and secondary data used is other materials that relevant with the research problems. In sum, the research concludes that policy conducted by Government of District Sragen program to overcome poverty during autonomous era are synchronized in the form of determination expense of committee to overcome poorness , however many matters which do not synchronous are namely, background forming of committee to overcome poorness identification, determination domicile the committee, duty of committee and formation of committee membership that consist of overcome poorness law having accommodated the ground professionalism, accountability, controlling, efficient and effective, but not yet accommodated the knowledge ground to the fore, energy, listening carefully and equivalency. Model of law and regulation which is used by a governmental policy is medium, if it be seen from forming side represent the mixture model among policy elite preference and policy as institutional activity from Thomas R Dye, if it be seen from the in and out of process represent the mixture among model of ellite mass and model the institutional from Christopher Ham- Michael Hill.en_US

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