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dc.contributor.authorIsworo, Ety
dc.identifier.citationAli, Zainuddin, 2006, “ Sosiologi Hukum” Sinar Grafika, Jakarta Asshiddiqie, Jimly.,Safa’at, Ali, 2006, “Teori Hans Kelsen Tentang Hukum”, Sekretariat Jendral & Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi RI, Jakarta Bahiej, Ahmad , 2002.”Refleksi Dan Relevansi Pemikiran Madzhab-Madzhab Hukum Bagi Pengembangan Ilmu Hukum”, Anson Binh , .October 1993, Feasibility Study On Vietnam Land Management System Land Law Of Vietnam 1993.article 4 Perth, Western Australia Cooray Morray. Supremacy Of Law,. Dimyati, Khudzaifah, 2004, “Teorisasi Hukum Studi tentang Perkembangan Pemikiran Hukum di Indonesia 1945 – 1990 “, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurakartaDinas Tata Kota Pemkot Surakarta, 2005, ”Laporan Akhir Kegiatan Inventarisasi Bangunan di Kota Surakarta Kelurahan Kadipiro dan Kelurahan Nusukan Kecamatan Banjarsari Tahun Anggaran”, D’Lima, Surakarta Dirdjosisworo, Sudjono, 1996, “Sosiologi Hukum Studi tentang Perubahan Hukum & Sosial”, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta Garman,Gene,1997, “The Supreme Law of The Land,” Ibrahim , Jhonny, 2006, ”Teori & Metodologi Penelitian Hukum Normatif”, Bayumedia Publishing, , Surabaya Iskatinah, ”Pelaksanaan Fungsi Hukum Adminitrasi Negara Dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Yang Baik”, Muluk, Khairul, 2007, “Desentralisasi & Pemerintahan Daerah” Malang – Jawa Timar. Muttaqien, Zainal, 2007, “Dinamika Pemikiran Hukum; (Orientasi dan Karakteristik Pemikiran Ahli Hukum Indonesia) “,Makalah Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Munckton, Stuart, Januari 2005, “Venezuela : The Poor Recclaim Their Land”, Venezuela-poor reclaim-their-land.html No Name, 2008,” Hukum Progresif : Upaya Untuk Mewujudkan Ilmu Hukum Menjadi Sebenar Ilmu.” Soerjono Soekanto, 1983, Beberapa Permasalahan Hukum Dalam Kerangka Pembangunan Di Indonesia, UI-Press. Soekanto, Soerjono, 1973, Sosiologi Sesuatu Pengantar, cetakan kedua, Yayasan Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. Rasjidi, Lili dan Thania, Ira, 2002, “Pengantar Filsafat Hukum”, Penerbit, Mandar Maju, Bandung, Poerba , bintang, 2008, ”Suatu Resume Hukum Progresif”, Salman, Otje.,Susanto, Anton, 2004,” Teori Hukum : Mengingat Mengumpulkan, dan Membuka Kembali,” Refika Aditama Sastroatmodjo, Sujiono, 2005 ” Konfigurasi hukum progresif ” , hal. 10 Soetopo , H.B,2002, “ Metode Penelitian Kualitatif : Dasar Teori dan Terapannya dalam Penelitian”, Surakarta : Sebelas Maret UnivercitySunarmi, 2004, “Membangun Sistem Peradilan Di Indonesia”, Surbakti, Natangsa, ”Kebebasan Akademik dan Otonomi Keilmuan Hukum di Indonesia” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ,2002,” The Pure Theory of Law“ Solusi Hukum,30 Mei 2006, ” Penegakan Hukum” Rahman , Mujibur, 2007,” Menggugat Partisipasi Publik Dalam Pemerintah Daerah”, Lembaga Penerbitan &Dokumentasi FIA UNIBRAW, Malang. Zoebir, Isvandiar, Zuryawan, 8 Juni 2008,”Pemberdayaan Peran Serta Masyarakat Dalam Pembangunan Masyarakat Daerah,” uryawanisvandiarzoebir.wordpress. comen_US
dc.description.abstractCity was the centre of the growth in carrying out various activities. It always experienced the growth depends on the need of the occupant. The more developed the city is the more dweller will increase. This experiences causes the birth of the illegal dwelling especially in the Solo city. The situation will be worst if it is not held by of the layout control to the city. From this problem we tries to study deeper juridically about the implementation of the illegal building arrangement seen from from the aspect of the law and the sociological aspect. This thesis will answer such questions as follow, how The Goverment of the City handled this problem? so as the aim of the city arrangement was reached without resistance.The aim of the research is to look for the background that carry out the control policy, to find out the foundations of any law that was used in handling the implementation of the control, finishing planning,and to asses the policy and the implementation of this control in accordance with the available legal rule.en_US
dc.subjectLaw enforcementen_US
dc.subjectthe implementation of the control of the illegal dwelling and welfare of the communityen_US

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