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dc.contributor.authorJAYANTO, TOTO
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dc.description.abstractThe need to have a house will remain to become society citizen expectation. Because beyond the doors men can construct household, create educative place and socialize with other families. The objective of this study are: 1) To know the legal relationship between managers with rental public housing tenants, 2) To know the various violations of rental public housing tenant obligations undertaken. 3) To get a settlement breach of obligations undertaken by the manager of rental public housing tenants. The type of research is a sociological law. Methods of data collection in this study are bibliography data and field data. The sampling technique use a progressive sampling. The results showed that the legal relationship between managers with rental public housing tenants are bound by ties lease rental agreement rental public housing units under the Act, which is in accordance with the provisions of Civil Code Article 1320 and 1352. The various kinds of violations committed tenant obligations, first, the delay rental payment obligation unit rental public housing, electricity and water accounts are the responsibility of the tenant. Second, using the unit as a place of business rental public housing units. Third, transferring its lease rental public housing units to others without agreement of the managers. The form completion by the manager of the breach of obligations to the tenant is a oral sanction as a legal habitsen_US
dc.subjectthe relationship legal, tenanten_US
dc.subjectrental public housingen_US

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