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dc.contributor.authorShobron, Sudarno
dc.identifier.citationAlatas, S.H. 1975. Sosiologi Korupsi: Sebuah Penjelajahan dengan Data Kontemporer (terj.: Al-Ghozie Usman). Jakarta: LP3ES. Al-Mawardi. []. Al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyyah. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr. Anwar, Syamsul. 2009. “Sejarah Korupsi dan Perlawanan Terhadapnya Pada Masa Awal Islam: Perspektif Studi Hadis”, dalam Bahan Kuliah Studi Hadis Kontemporer. Yogyakarta: Program Doktor Pascasarjana UMY. Asqalani, bnu Hajar Al-. []. Fath al-Bari, Jilid XIII. Kairo: al-Matba’ah al-Bahiya al-Misriya. Awwas, Irfan S. 2000. Aksi Sejuta Umat dan Issu Negara Islam. Yogyakarta: Wihdah Press. _____________.2008. Trilogi Kepemimpinan Negara Islam Indonesia Menguak Perjuangan Umat Islam dan Pengkhianatan Kaum Nasionalis-Sekuler. Yogyakarta: Uswah. Ayubi, Nazih. 1991. Political Islam, Religion and Politics in the Arab World. London & New York:Routledge.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn order that the life is better arranged, especially in the field of politics, ethics is needed so much. Islam, as a perfect religion, has given guidance in political principles. Having been studied comprehensively in the Book of Shahih Moslem, it is found that there are strategy and political ethics. The politic strategy is that textually to become a leader or khalifah) is only for the Quraisy people, but contextually everyone has potencies to become a leader or khalifah irrespective his colour, economic social status, tribe and race, villager or person living in a town. Based on the perspective of Hadis, to become the khalifah, a person should have the following qualifications: smart, professional, having good moral, vision, and spiritual sharpness. Textually a leader must be a male but contextually there is no barrier for a woman to become a leader. While in the process of succession, there are three alternatives, namely, by being voted, appointed or using formatur system, a system where persons or committee are appointed by an assembly to form the executive leadership. The leaders and the people are tied by ethics. The leaders are forbidden to ask the position. They must give good service to people. They have to be fair. They may not do what they like, corrupt and deviate their position. They are prohibited to accept gifts because of their posi-tion. The people must pledge to be loyal to the rulers, refuse to do deed in violation of God’s law. They are forbidden to attack against the government and carry out a coup d’etat.en_US
dc.publisherlppm umsen_US
dc.subjectpolitical strategyen_US
dc.subjectetika politiken_US
dc.subjectsumpah janjien_US
dc.titleSTRATEGI DAN ETIKA BERPOLITIK DALAM ISLAM (Kajian terhadap Kitab Shahih Muslim)en_US

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