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dc.identifier.citationAnastasia. H. 2001. Dampak Psikologis Perempuan Hamil Di luar Nikah. Semarang: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata. Atkinson, R. dkk. 2010. Pengantar Psikologi jilid 2. (diterjemahkan oleh Dr. Wijaya Kusuma). Jakarta: Interkasara Publisher. Bloomfield, M.D. 2003. “Healing Anxiety Naturally. Jurnal of consulting and Clinical Psychology”, dalam Akses 4 Mei 2011. Cecep, dan Solihati, Heri. 2008. Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kehamilan Pranikah di Kalangan Pelajar di Desa Setianagara Kecamatan Cilimus. Kuningan. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Conley, T. 2003. Breaking Free From The Anxiety Trap. Wallsent self Help Group. Daradjat, Zakijah. 2001. Kesehatan Mental. Jakarta: Gunung Agung, Gullota, 1993. Adolescent Sexuality. USA: Sage Publication Inc. Gunarsa, S.D. & Gunarsa, Y.S.D. 2001. Psikologi Praktis: Anak Remaja, dan Keluarga. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia. Hawari. 1991. Mental Sehat Hidup Nikmat, Hidup Pahit. Jakarta: Studio Press. Hurlock, E.B. 2001. Psikologi Perkembangan, Suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan, terj. Istiwirdayanti. Jakarta: Erlangga. Kaplan, H.I. 1997. Sinopsis Psikiatri. Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara. Lazarus, R.S. 2008. Patterns of Adjusment. LTD: Internasional Student Edition.Nevid, dkk. 2003. Psikologi Abnormal (jilid 1), terj. Tim Fakultas Psikologi UI. Jakarta: Erlangga. Safaria. 2007. Manajemen Emosi. PT. Bumi Aksara. Sarwono, W.S.1995. Teori-teori Psikologi Sosial. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Sulaeman, M. 2001. Ilmu Sosial Dasar. Jakarta: Eresco. Sunarti, B. 2001. Psikologi Umum dan Perkembangan. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret. Suryabrata. 2005. Psikologi Kepribadian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Sutikno. 2006. Orientasi Masa Depan Korban Kekerasan Seksual. Surakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Wijaya, Ahmad. 2006. Seks Bebas. Akses 5 Mei 2011. Yuwono, Susatyo. 2002. “Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Kebugarannya, Solusi Masalah Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Remaja”, dalam Kognisi. Vol. 5, No.1, 12-21.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe pregnancy before marriage among teenagers makes complex problems to the teenagers themselves. Sex before marriage among teenagers happens because they are motivated to do sex though they are not married yet. Sex before marriage can emerge several consequences, for instance, unexpected pregnancy because of not being married, the mother and fetus’ health, drop out from school for those who still study, contagion and depression. Teenagers who are pregnant before they get married experience anxiety in facing the future of the fetus that is still in their womb. The anxiety emerges because the pregnancy is done with a person who is not her husband. She is also afraid if her parents and people in her social surrounding know if she is pregnant. The anxiety will be wors-ened if the male who caused her pregnant is not responsible to what he has done and he refuses to marry her.en_US
dc.publisherlppm umsen_US
dc.subjectbefore marriageen_US
dc.titleKECEMASAN PADA REMAJA HAMIL DI LUAR NIKAH (Studi Kasus Remaja Surakarta Tahun 2011)en_US

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