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dc.contributor.authorSumarawati, Titiek
dc.contributor.authorRiwanto, Ignatius
dc.contributor.authorHadisaputro, Soeharyo
dc.contributor.authorDharmana, Edi
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dc.description.abstractThe therapy for cancer has used the combination regiment of adriamycin and cyclophoshamide that may cause deoxyribonucleic acid damage of cancer cells and organs. One of its side effects is the disturbance of absorption in the intestinal mucosa. Phaleria macrocarpa has been reported to have anticancer activity. There has been no studies conducted on the phalerin level of Phaleria macrocarpa in portal vein. The aim of this study was to examine the concentration of phalerin in the Phaleria macrocarpa in C3H mice with adenocarsinoma mamma between treated group of Phaleria macocarpa (PH) and combination (PH, Adriamycin (ADR), and Cyclophosphamide (CYC)). The experiment was conducted using posttest only control group design, 12 female C3H with adenocarsinoma mamma were divided into 2 groups of 6 mice each to get one of the following treatment: PH (0.14 mg/day p.o) or combination (PH 0.14 mg/day p.o; followed by ADH 0.013 mg i.p. and CYC 0.0156 mg i.p.). High Performance Liquid Chromatography, detector Spectra System (Knauer, 2006), spectroscopy detector systems UV 600 LP, Lichrosorb coloumn RP.18 (250 x 4 x 5 µm) were used to assess the concentration of Phalerin. Phalerin as marker was obtained from medical herbal centre, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. Blood sample was taken from portal vein at 30, 60, 90 min. to asses the concentration of phalerin absorbance in time series. Data were presented in table and boxplot then analyzed with independent T-test to find out the difference between the groups with a significance level less than 0,05 (p<0.05) and Confidence Interval of 95%. Phaleria macrocarpa followed by adriamycin and cyclophosphamide in combination group reduced the absorption indicated by the significant difference in level of phalerin between treated group by time. It was concluded that the phalerin concentration in PH group have a higher value compare to combination group.en_US
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressen_US
dc.subjectconcentration of phalerinen_US
dc.subjectPhaleria macrocarpaen_US
dc.titleConcentration of Phalerin from Phaleria macrocarpa in Vena Porta: An Experimental Study on Adenocarcinoma Mammae in C3H Mice That Given Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamideen_US

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