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dc.description.abstract | Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) is one of serious community health problems. Community group which is
very vulnerable to impact of IDD is CBAW. Risk factors of IDD are geographic, salt consumption, food
consumption, social economic status and knowledge factor. To investigate the iodine status of CBAW,
test of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) level was implemented.The objective of this study was to
measure the correlation between level of food consumption (energy, protein, iodine) and iodine status of
child bearing age women (CBAW) in Selo Village, Selo District, Boyolali, Central Java. This research used
observational research with crossectional approach. There were 24 subjects selected randomly. Food
consumption (energy, protein, iodine) was collected using interview technique with recall method 3 x 24
hour and level of TSH measured by collected blood sample and tested with ELISA. The data were then
analyzed with pearson- product moment correlation test. Based on univariat analysis, level of energy and
protein consumption were classified as heavy deficit, which were 83,3% and 70,8% respectively, and
iodine consumption was categorited low, which was 62,5%. Based on statistic test , it can be seen that
there was not any significant correlation between level of nutrition consumption (energy, protein, iodine )
and iodine status of child bearing age women, with p value of 0,215 ; 0,809 and 0,889 respectively. This
phenomenon occured probably due to other factors like selenium (Se), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and vitamin A
consumption. Based on the result it can be concluded that there was not any significant correlation
between level of food consumption (energy, protein, iodine) and iodine status of child bearing age women. | en_US |