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dc.contributor.authorNoor, Zulkhah
dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Yoni
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dc.description.abstractMild and chronic anemia need different supplements that can stimulate the body to form blood cells quickly. Supplements for hemopoiesis are nutrients and other factors that can accelerate hemopoiesis. Nutrition and other factors are allegedly owned by the red yeast rice (a product of fermentation using Manascus sp). The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the number of platelets, erythrocytes and blood hemoglobin levels of anemic mice. This research is experimental, pre-postest control group design. The samples were 30 wistar rats aged 2 months divided into 6 groups. The research was conducted in UPHP UMY and the LPPT laboratory LPPT of UGM. Dose of red yeast rice is 37 mg/200 g BW and 74mg/200g BW of rat. Data were analysed using a paired t test, one way ANAVA and post hoc. The results showed that administration of red yeast rice in normal mice did not cause changes in the number of blood cells significantly. Angkak can normalize platelet counts, erythrocyte counts, and hemoglobin concentration of bleeding anemia mice (p <0.05).en_US
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressen_US
dc.titleEffect of Angkak against Bleeding Anemia of Raten_US

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