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dc.description.abstract | Board Legal Affairs Committee is an assistant Institution of
Muhammadiyah leader which moves in the areas related to the
formulation and decision on relating religious matters or faced by
Muhammadiyah or Muhammadiyah members. In its motion, the Board
Legal Affairs Committee is not only choosing a stronger opinion but
more than that, it implements collective ijtihad.
The use of the word Tarjih as the name of the Majlis Tarjih
Committee, and thus has expanded its meaning than simply choosing
a strong opinion of scholars from the side of the argument, as the
meaning Tarjih in the study of Ushulul Fiqh, but “Tarjih” interpreted
by Muhammadiyah said that it works the same as the motion of
ijtihad. Therefore, it can be said that the Board Legal Affairs Committee
is an institution of ijtihad in Indonesia, in addition to other ijtihad
institutions, such as MUI, NU and other Bahsul masail.
As an institution of ijtihad, Board of Legal Affairs Committee which
was initiated in the Muhammadiyah Congress 16th in Pekalongan
1927, now has a pattern in the formulation and establishment of a
fatwa. This paper will try to present the pattern of determination of
Fatwa Board Legal Affairs Committee | en_US |