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dc.description.abstract | Nowadays ,the rapid development of information technology, especially the Internet
world, has changed the habits of people to shop online. However among many online stores,
most found the goods sold are the property of their own online stores. Based on this fact, this
study tries to develop e-commerce systems in the field of music for a CD album sales (Compact
Disk) and concert tickets, where the product is derived from the record company and concert
promoter. This study aims to create simulations of e-commerce to combine the three parties to
work together in an online sales system that is e-commerce.
The method in design system uses waterfall method. This model is a systematic approach.
System for "Simulation of E-Commerce in Online Music Store" had been tested by the
respondent, followed by answering the questionnaire. Here, the sample is positioned as a buyer,
as admin, as a record company, and as a concert promoter. Based on the questionnaire, it can be
seen that the record companies, concert promoters, admin, and buyers can be combined through
the e-commerce Online Music Store. | en_US |