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dc.description.abstractAerobic exercise for the beginner is potentially causing increase production of free radical compound. Free radicals damage erythrocyte membranes, decreasing the number of erythrocytes. The exogenous antioxidant supplement is necessary, one of which is vitamin C from the guava. The research was designed as experimental-nonrandomized pre-post test control group. Sixteen students were divided into 2 groups red guava juice and mineral water treated groups. Both groups were asked to perform aerobic exercise of 30-minute, every 2 days for 27 days. Blood samples were taken 4 times. T-test and Repeated Anova test were used for data analysis. There is not significant difference on the level of erythrocyte fragility in guava juice and mineral water treated groups (repetead anova p>0,05). Consumption of red guava juice of aerobic exercise does not significantly inhibit erythrocyte fragility.en_US
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressen_US
dc.subjectaerobic exerciseen_US
dc.subjectred guava juiceen_US
dc.subjecterythrocyte fragilityen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Red Guava Juice Consumption (Psidium Guajava L. Cultivar Red) on Erythrocyte Fragility during Aerobic Exercise for The Beginneren_US

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