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dc.contributor.authorSoehartono, R. Harry
dc.identifier.citationAliambar, S.H., Bawolye, RR dan Soehartono, RH., 1990, Anestesia Akupunktur untuk Laparatomi Flank serta Kaitannya dengan Panen Embrio pada Sapi. Laporan Penelitian. LPIPB. Bogor. Aliambar, S.H., Bawolye RR., dan Soehartono RH., 1993, Manfaat Analgesia Akupunktur dalam Bedah Eksperimental untuk Menunjang Berbagai Kasus Penelitian Nutrisi pada Ternak. Laporan Penelitian. LPIPB. Bogar. Beaumont, A and Hughes, J., 1979, Biology of Ophioid Peptides. Am. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 19, 245-267. Ganong, W.E.F., 1980, Fisiologi Kedokteran", diteriemahkan oleh Sutarman. Ed.9. CV. EGC. Jakarta, 29-33 ; 84-93 dan 220-221. Guyton, A.C., 1983, Fisiologi Kedokteran, diteriemahkan oleh Adji Dharma dan P Lukmanto. Ed.5. Bag.2. CV. EGC, 120-121, 129-140 dan 141-149. Koutbauer, 0., and Schaller, O., 1975, Die Segmentale Projektion der Cervix Uteri des Rindes Suf de Haut, Wien. Tieraztl. Mschr., 62(5), 157-163. Laksmipathi, G.V., 1983, Acupuncture Anesthesia for Abdominal Surgery in Bovine, Am. Jour. of Acup., 11(1), 37- 41. Laksmipathi, C.V., Ramakrishna, O., Bose, A.S., and Haragopal, V., 1984, Caesarean Section in An Ewe Under Acupuncture Anaesthesia, Am. Jour. of Acup., 12(2), 161-163. Melzack, R and Wall, P.O., 1965, Pain Mechanism: A New Theory, Science, 150, (3699), 971-979. Munandar, A., 1982, Sumsum Tulang Belakang. In: Noback, C.R., and Demarest, R.J.,1975, Anatomi Susunan Saraf Manusia. Jkakarta: EGC, pp112-160 Sianturi, R.A.G., 1989, Analgesia Akupunktur urituk Pembedahan pada Ruminansia Domestik, Skripsi, FKHIPB. Bogor. Ulet, G.A., 1983, Acupuncure is Not Hypnosis: Recent Physiological Studies, Am. Jour. of Acup., 11(1), 5- 13. Zhong, Z.A., 1980, Enkephalihe and Acupuncture Analgesia Research in the People's Republic of China (1975- 1979), Electro Therapeutic Res. Int. Jour., 5, 131-146.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe comparison between anesthesia acupuncture and anesthesia drugs which are conducted by clinical aspects from sheep are efficacy to analyse the ability of their reactions. So to select the technique of acupuncture or drugs will support the best result in handling some surgical cases. The research is based on the clinical aspects, such as symptoms, hearth rate, respiration rate and temperature. Each sheep is treated by three times in certain interval, such as Acupuncture, Xylazin (Xylazil-20®) and Pentobarbital (Nembutal®). While each treatment is divided by three periodic, likes pre anesthesia, anesthesia and postanesthesia. The periodic are divided into five steps for collecting clinical signs. This results that were trialed in ten heads sheep gave variation in each treatment, because of behavior individual. In general, anesthesia acupuncture showed the constant curved clinical sign, but anesthesia drugs showed the declining graphic. Generally, the treatments of both drugs were formed the curved declining.Generally, anesthesia acupuncture will support to contribute some therapies without any side effect, even-though the on-set of acupuncture are so prolong (20-30 minutes). If the temperamental sheep is nervous or unstable, the anesthesia acupuncture is not appropriate. Honestly, the excellent acupuncture would give the longest duration as still twisting and electro-acupuncture in the place. Also, the post-anesthesia from acupuncture will be quick consciously, without disturbing side effect of acupuncture. The anesthesia of both drugs will be deep depression that helps successfully to handle in surgical cases. Even though the side effect is considered in symptom, the post-anesthesia drugs still showed side effect, especially the organ functions have to be check before giving these drugs in pre-anesthesia.en_US
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressen_US
dc.titleThe Comparison Between Anesthesia Acupuncture and Anesthesia Drugs Which are Conducted by Clinical Aspect in Sheepen_US

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