Rekayasa Model Disain Rumah Islami Berdasar Studi Eksplorasi Pada Permukiman di Komplek Masjid Menara Kudus
The majority of Indonesian muslim people need Islamic housing product Kauman
Kudus Settlement is the earlier settlement built by the Sunan Kudus, is one of the
Walisongo, the nine famous muballigh and ulama’s in Java. This location is very
potential for research because is more values of Islamic housing. The Islamic history
of Indonesia has created very valuable cultural heritage, among them is the Kauman
Kudus settlement which is closely related to the Great Mosque called Menara Kudus
Mosque. The objectives of the research are: 1) To identify and analyze the Islamic
Housing Values in Kauman Kudus, and 2) To concept the design model of Islamic
Housing. The features of this research included a field study incorporating literature
review, survey and interview methods. Rationalistic qualitative method is used.
Exploration finding are analyzes with grand theory and result the concept of Islamic
housing. The first year targets are:1) to concept the zone design pattern, 2). to
concept the block plan pattern design, and 3) to concept architectural element design
of Islamic architecture. The second year targets are to design engineering models for
zoning, the block plan and architectural element models. The benefits of the research
are: 1 benefit for science: developing innovation idea of Islamic housing, 2) benefit
for designer: provide input for Indonesian architecture about Islamic concept and
Islamic house design., 3).benefit for community: giving feedback to the community
and house developer for application the concept product and Islamic house design..