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dc.contributor.authorAdi, Suyatmin Waskito
dc.contributor.authorHakim, Lukman
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dc.description.abstractis called Old City or Outstad and termed as Little Netherlands. The area has around 50 ancient buildings that reflect the colonial remains. It is a very potential area for expanding economic culture and a conservation area ( but its problem is very complex. For this, the revitalization of old city must integrate all related aspects and interest conflict in developing urban area and its modernity. The problem statement in this study is how to identify all problems related to the existence of old city area in terms of city design, function, intention and condition of building physic, and integration with socio-economic and culture function. This study aims to examine the characteristics, tourism potency, and revitalization of Semarang old city in competition of tourism globalization era. The study is useful for describing the characteristics, tourism potency, and revitalization of Semarang old city specifically and in details; therefore, it can be used for formulating a strategic pattern of national-tourism industrial development that can really improves a performance of local, regional, and national tourism sector, primarily related to the revitalization of Semarang old city. The research focuses on the analysis of the old city existence related to tourism and on how the old city existence as one of the destinations in Semarang. The data were primary and secondary. The analysis of the data focused on the observation of the old city characteristics associated with historical, existent and socio-economic and culture role or function; thus, the analysis used a qualitative approach. It could be concluded that the old city needs a revitalization program, primarily related to the old city existence historically. The research is limited to 1) the research approach focused on tourism, but not archeology – architectural; 2) research orientation focused on economic approach; and 3) the analysis not referred to synergy with other aspects.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectold cityen_US

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