Eksplorasi keanekaragaman Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula (CMA) daerah berkapur Wilayah Eks Karisidenan Surakarta dan uji potensi CMA terhadap tanaman obat, holtikultura dan tanaman hutan secara in vivo
The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (CMA) handled, and mapped potention
cannot be exploited by excellence compared to other state. The diversity of arbuscular
myorrhizal fungi (AM) was investigated by soil were collected from rhizosphere
Singkong (Manihot utillissima ), Uwi (Dioscorea alata) dan Gembili (Dioscorea
aculeata ) Plant. The aim of this work was to 1) determination of arbuscular
mycorrhizal in calcareous at Wonoiri 2) Identivication CMA calcareous of morfologist at
Wonogiri, Eks Karisidenan Surakarta Central of Java and 3). number of composition
and distribution structure community of Mikoriza Arbuskula calcareous. Exploration
Fungus Mikorhiza Arbuskula (CMA) regions calcareous Ex Karisidenan Surakarta,
around the Wonogiri. Samples Collected from plants rhizosfir of Singkong (Manihot
utillissima ), Uwi (Dioscorea alata) and Gembili (Dioscorea aculeata ), each of 500 g, so
that triping and sieving action. Drawn sample of 100 g, that performed with sukrose
50% sieving (Brundrett et al 1996). Spores obtained in the identification with microscope
binocular and stereo. Criteria CMA of color, shape, surface ornamentation of spores, the
layer formed and the size of spores CMA. Result by counted 22 Type CMA from 4
Gender of Acaulospora, Gigaspora, Scutellospora And Glomus. Secies number of
rhizosfir Singkong (Manihot utilisima)plants found 17 species, 15 species Uwi (Dioscorea
hispida) and Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta)14 species. Highest species CMA
from Calcareous area around the eks Karisidenan Surakarta Wonogiri has a diversity of
species varied, with the total number of spores 1008/100 g. These results are higher than
diversity of calcareous soil from the area Tuban in East Java (Chalimah et al 2008).