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dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Rini
dc.contributor.authorSyamsiyah, Nur Rahmawati
dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Muhammad Siam Priyono
dc.identifier.citationAl-Qaradhawi,Yusuf,2000,Tuntunan Membangun Masjid, Jakarta:Gema Insani Press. Abdullah Eben Saleh, Mohammad Eben, 1999, The Historic and Urban Development of Mosque Architecture, College of Architecture and Planning, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Brogden, Felicity, 1979, Perencanaan dan Perancangan Site, Terjemahan (1984) Ir. Hendro Sangkoyo, dalam An Introduction to Architecture, Snyder,J.C., dan Catanese,AJ., (1979). Doelie, L, 1972, Environmental Accoustics, Mc. Graw-Hill Book Co., New York Egan, M.David, 1988 Architectural Acoustics, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, New York Hakim,Rustam, dan Utomo, Hardi, 2004, Komponen Perancangan Arsitektur Lansekap : Prinsip-Unsur dan Aplikasi Disain, Jakarta : PT.Bumi Aksara. Harris, Cyril, 1979, Handbook Of Noise Control, Mc.Graw Hill Book Co., New York Knudsen,,1950, Acoustical Designing in Architectural, John Wilwy & Son Inc, New York Mangunwijaya, YB., 1988, Pasal-pasal Pengantar Fisika Bangunan, Jambatan, Jakarta Mediastika, Christina E., 2005, Akustika Bangunan: Prinsip-prinsip dan Penerapannya di Indonesia, Erlangga, Jakarta. Prijotomo, 1987, Ideas and Forms of Javanese Architecture, Gadjah Mada University Press Satwiko,Prasasto, 2004, Fisika Bangunan I, Yogyakarta, Penerbit Andi Sumalyo, Yulianto, 2000, Arsitektur Masjid dan Monumen Sejarah Muslim, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.en_US
dc.description.abstractActivity in the mosque, especially the prayers, needs a calm atmosphere so that prayers can take place khusyu’. Thus the site and its elements in it must be able to create a calm atmosphere, by reducing the sounds to unwanted noise.This research aims to find the concept of mosque site design with a maximum noise reduction by the site elements. This research are expected to produce the concept of mosque site design with a maximum noise damping by the site elements. The study begins with the data survey through Mosque sample in Surakarta purposively selected based on distance categories of noise sources, the presence of vegetation in the site and layout of mosque on the site. Noise damping effectiveness of the site elements measured by the Sound Level Meter (SLM) is done in two zones on the outer limits of the site associated with the sources of noise and in the site on the mosque’s outer boundary, at some point. Damping effectiveness is the difference between the measurement results of these two zones. These results are then analyzed by Surface Mapping System to determine the pattern of distribution of sound intensity on the site. Based on the analysis of sound intensity measurements on samples of mosque site in Surakarta, the distance category, the most effective reduced noise is Al Wustho’s site with the most significant factor reduces the noise is the distance and the massive barrier., the presence of vegetation categories the most effective reduced noise is Riyadhoh Iman with the significant factor reduces the noise is the presence of the grassy areas, shrubs and bushes, and the site layout category is Al Hadi Mustaqim with the most significant factor is the layout of the mosque building on site. Based on a comparative analysis of the results of manual measurements and simulation results by Surface Mapping System for the sound intensity at the third site showed the most significant factor reducing of noise is the distance followed by the layout of buildings and the last being on site vegetation. This can be accommodated on a broad site of the mosque, while this is a problem in the site area of the mosque with limited (narrow). So that further research needs to be able to application the elements in reducing noise in the mosque site design, so that the mosque with a narrow sitet remains capable of supporting the worship activities.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectMosque Siteen_US
dc.subjectNoise Reductionen_US
dc.subjectSite Elementen_US

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