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dc.description.abstract | The study aims to establish the determining model industry competitiveness index.
Specifically, the study aims to determine the index status and analyze the industrial
competitiveness from dimensions and industry groups, which previous studies did not do them.
The highly competitiveness industry, if it has more than 200 index. Similarly, the dimension
highly competitiveness, if it has more than 50 index. This study also analyzes the differences of
industrial competitiveness among industries. Research done by direct survey to 399 SMI
which produce core products in the areas of Central Java based on Porter's diamond model.
This study can form model for determining industry competitiveness index (the first year of
research) and develop the model of competitive industries empowerment (the second year of
research). Based on the results of the analysis, the status of industrial competitiveness in the
Central Java have index value amount 262.83. It is highly competitiveness. By the way, the
small industry groups have the index competitiveness more highly compared with medium
industries (264.48 > 261.31). It shows that the small industry groups have more competitive
than the medium industries. So, by used the Independent Sample T test, it shows there is no
difference competitiveness average of small industry groups and medium industries. So the
average of competitiveness index in both groups are same significantly | en_US |