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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Dwi
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dc.description.abstractThe decomposition process in TPAS will change wastes into organic fertilizer and byproduct in the form of leachate, which can contaminate water if it drained directly to the environment without being preprocessed. One alternative to process leachate is by using poly aluminium chloride (PAC). The aims of the current study were: (1) to determine the effective PAC concentration to decrease leachate toxicity, (2) to evaluate the quality of the leachate after treatment with PAC, (3) to determine LC50 value of the leachate before and after treatment, and (4) to determine percentage of leachate toxicity reduction after treatment with PAC. The experimental design used was true experimental study with pretest-posttest with control group design. Population in this study was leachate from Putri Cempo Landfill (TPAS Putri Cempo) Mojosongo Surakarta. The sample was 250 litres leachate obtained from the landfill outlet by quota sampling method. The test fish used was the red nila fish (Oreochromis niloticus). The results revealed that the optimum concentration of PAC was 6 g/l, the safety threshold for leachate treated with PAC was 2.107%, and for leachate untreated with PAC was 6,373%. In addition, all of the leachate quality parameters were improved after treatment with PAC, although some didn’t reach the recognized quality standard. The leachate toxicity based on LC50 24-96 hours were: (1) without PAC treatment: 25.06% (24 hours), 21.07% (48 hours), 17.49% (72 hours), and 14.97% (96 hours); (2) with PAC treatment: 89.44% (24 hours), 63.73% (48 hours), 49.99% (72 hours), and 40.96% (96 hours). Therefore, the toxicity reductions were: 64.38% (24 hours), 42.66% (48 hours), 32.50% (72 hours), and 25.99% (96 hours).en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDosen Muda DIKTIen_US
dc.subjectleachate toxicityen_US
dc.subjectPAC (poly aluminium chlorideen_US

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