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dc.contributor.authorAchyani, Fatchan
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dc.description.abstractSolo regency is one of the potential tourism destination in Central Java. Its location has attracted visitors both foreign and domestic. It is expected that by developing the existing tourism objects could more encouraging the increasing number of visitors in the future. The research is aimed at studying the role of tourism in boosting the economic growth of the local people in Solo Regency as well as the factors influencing it. While the target of research is the identifying of the role of tourism sector in boosting the economic growth of the local people, the identifying of factors influencing the role of tourism in boosting the economic growth of the local people and the formulating of guidance of tourism development in order to boost the economic growth of the local people. The methodology used in this research was a descriptive method by collecting primary and secondary data consisting of tourists, owner service business, people a round the location and related government institution analysis method and qualitative analysis. The result of the study towards the role of tourism showed that tourism has a role in boosting the economic growth of the local people in Solo regency from the aspect of ownership of tourism business and the absorption of workforce.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDOSEN MUDA DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US

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