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dc.identifier.citationDAFTAR PUSTAKA Achyani, Fatchan dan Sugiyanto, Eko (2009), Identifikasi Terhadap Persepsi Mahasiswa tentang keberadaan Bank Syariah di Solo,” Penelitian Reguler, LPPM UMS. Ancok, Djamaludin,1995, “Tehnik Penyusunan Skala Pengukur”, Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Antonio, M.Syafei, 1999, “Bank syariah : Suatu Pengenalan Umum ”, Tazkia Institute dan Antonio, M.Syafei, 1999, “Bank Syariah : Wacana Ulama dan Cendikiawan”, Tazkia Institute Bank Indonesia, 2000, “Informasi Mengenai Peraturan Bank Indonesia Bagi Bank Umum Bank Indonesia, 2000, Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembukaan Bank Syariah. BI dan Undip, (2000 ), Penelitian Potensi, Preferensi, dan Perilaku Masyarakat Terhadap Bank Syariah di Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY. BI dan IPB (2000),” Penelitian Potensi, Preferensi dan Perilaku Masyarakat Terhadap Bank Syariah di Wilayah Jawa Barat,” Lembaga Penelitian IPB-Bank Indonesia. Gibson L, James, Ivancevic, John M., Donelly, James H., 1987, “Organisasi: Perilaku, Struktur dan Proses”, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta. Gujarati, Damodar N. 1995. Basic Econometric. Mc Graw-Hill International Edition. Karim, Adiwarman, (2004 ), “Prospek dan Tantangan Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia”, Publikasi Internet. Kaynak, E and Yavas, 1985, “Segmenting the Banking Market by Account Usage : An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Profesional Services Marketing, Vol.1 No.1/2. Loudon, David.L. and Bitta A.D.,1984. “Consumer Behaviour : Concepts and Applications”, Mc Graw Hill, Singapore. Metawa, Saad A, & Mohammed Almossawi (1998) ,”Banking behavior of Islamic bank customers: perspectives and implications,” International Journal Behavior.35 Rogers, E. M. (1983), Diffusion of Innovations, Free Press, New York, NY. Rogers, E.M.,(1995), The Diffusion of Innovations, 4th Edition, Free Press, New York, NY. Rachma, Malia (2003 ),” Peluang dan Strategi Pengembangan”, Publikasi Internet. Pindick, Robert S., and Rubenfield, Daniel. (1981). Econometric Models and Economic Forecast. International Student Edition, Mc Graw-Hill. Soebagyo, Daryono dan Wahyudi (2008), “Analisis Kompetensi Keunggulan Daerah Pada produk Batik Tulis dan Cap di Dati II kota Surakarta, Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Vol.9 no 2. Presley, John R and Hummayon Dar, (1999), “Attitudes Towards Islamic Finance : An Update of Empirical Evidence”, 7th Intensive Orientation Courses : Islamic Economic, Banking & Finance, Leicester, UK. Wijayanti, Tri, Pramuka B.A dan Astogini, D (2004),” Faktor-Faktor yang di Pertimbangkan Masyarakat Terhadap Pemilihan Sistem Perbankan Syariah, SMART : Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari: (p.29-44).en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article try to explain the adoption innovation phenomenon of sharia banking in Surakarta, especially for small scale enterprises in Surakarta. This paper try to investigate some factors that are predicted stimulate the owners of small enterprises to adopt or not to adopt the sharia banking. Those factors were principle of religion about interest,profit sharing, financial risk, cost of fund and banking facility. Research suggest that there were no significant impact of all factor except profit sharing. To measure how they would adapt we tested by several factor of Rogers model such as relative advantage, compatibily, complexity, trialibility, and observability. The result showed that this innovation could be have an relative advantage and compatibity, had significant effect to adoption of innovation but not for three others factors.To test the hyphotesis we use regression analysist, crosstabulation and chi-square statistic.en_US
dc.subjectadoption innovationen_US
dc.subjectrelative advantage,en_US
dc.titlePengembangan Ilmu PengetahuanTeknologi dan Senien_US

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