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dc.contributor.authorSarbini, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorRahmawaty, Setyaningrum
dc.contributor.authorKurnia, Pramudya
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dc.description.abstractBackground: Studies and researches on rice bran supplementation have suggested positive effects on children’s health status, while effects of tempeh on undernutrition subjects only little being known. Objective: To compare nutritional status and motoric development in children under 5 yo who suffer from protein energy undernurtition and anemia, after they were given biscuit rice bran with Fe-Zn fortification, biscuit tempeh rice bran and biscuit tempeh. Method: Quasi experimental with pre-post test design. Three times a week during 12 weeks, undernutrition subjects in intervention group (n=30), control group 1 (n=31) and control group 2 (n=30) were given biscuit tempeh rice-bran with Fe-Zn fortification, biscuit tempeh-rice bran without Fe-Zn fortification, and biscuit tempeh, respectively. Intake of energy and protein, haemoglobine and albumine level, nutritional status and motoric development was measured by 24 hour food recall, Z-score, spectrofotometry, antropometry and motoric development chart by I. L. Gamayanti, respectively. Result: After 12 weeks intervention, there were increasing of energy and protein intake, level of haemoglobine and albumine, weight, also motoric development score although no significantly difference in groups (Anova test, p>0.05). Mean of increasing haemoglobine levels in intervention group and control group (1 and 2) were 2.120±1.422, 2.309±1.431 and 1.711±1.508, respectively, as for albumine levels were 0.946±0.504, 1.086±1.380, and 0.916±0.409, while for weight were 0.610±2.342, 0.987±1.448 and 0.240±0.646. Increasing of motoric development on subjects who the education background of their mother were senior high school/bachelor higher than yunior high school/basic school. Conslusion: Giving biscuit tempeh-rice bran with Fe-Zn fortification or without fortification as well as biscuit tempeh can correct energy and protein intake, level of haemoglobine and albumine, as well as nutritional status and motoric development in children under 5 yo who suffer from undernutrition and anemia.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectRice Branen_US
dc.subjectMotoric developmenten_US

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