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dc.description.abstract | Past experiences indicate that the success of many farm forestry projects is mainly
influenced by farmer’s participation. Ex ante estimation of the likelihood of farmers’ participation
in a particular farm forestry project might reduce the risk of project failure. This study
aims to analyze ex ante, farmer’s participation in a hypothetical farm forestry project for climate
change mitigation based upon a survey data of 117 farm forestry farmers in Tempurejo
Village, Wonosobo Regency. Logit estimation suggests that the likelihood of a farmer’s participation
is likely affected by age of farmer, education, farm household size and farmer’s experience
in farm forestry business. Two policies implication of these findings are that government
should increase farmers’ knowledge of climate change through extension programs, such
as climate field school, and align the design of farm forestry projects for climate change mitigation
with the prevailing farm forestry management system practiced by farmers. | en_US |