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dc.description.abstractThis thesis aim to analyze the impact of inflation change, rate of exchange change (RP to $), and deposit rate interest to LQ45 index of year 2004 period until 2006. The data is secondary of time series. The numbers of observation in this study are same with the population that are all of LQ45 business are registered in Jakarta Stock Exchange. Analyze method used is based on the multiple linear regression mode and processed using SPSS program. It is found out that independent variables that areinflation, and deposit interest rate are individually proven significantly impact toLQ45 index. Rate of exchange variable has no impact to LQ45 index. The resultof study shows that interest rate variable value of 8.660 is the most significant variable. Based on F-test, it is obtained that F count = 32.945 higher than 4 or sig F= 0.000 lower than a = 0, 01. The result of F-test shows that the model is used is appropriate or exists to be used. Determination coefficient (R2) shows that inflation, Rupiah-Dollar rate of exchange, and deposit interest of rate to LQ45 share is appropriate, because R2 is resulted near to 1. From the estimation result, the number of determination coefficient (R2) is 0.755 means that 75.5 % of LQ45 variation can be explained by variation of inflation, rate of exchange, and deposit rate interest variables. While the remain of about 24.5% explained by other variation of variable. The result of classic assumption test on normality test, heteroskedastisity test, and multikolinearity test find no problem or deviation in the model. Otocorrelation test experience positive otocorrelation.en_US
dc.subjectRP-$ rate of exchangeen_US
dc.subjectdeposit rate of interesten_US
dc.subjectLQ45 indexen_US

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