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dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Totok Budi
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dc.description.abstractThe increase of people’s life expectancy in Indonesia results in greater number of elder people. An older age individual is an individual whose biological structures is experiencing structural and function changes due to his or her older age. A component that related to functional status is functional status. It means one’s capability of performing healthily daily life. The concept is integrated in three main things, namely, biological, psychological (cognitive and affective) and social functions. Physical activities included mobility is identified as one factor to be presumed to have correlation with cognitive function. Purpose of the research is to know there is any correlation between movement disturbance and cognitive function of older woman. The research design is a survey/observation research with cross-sectional approach. Subject of the research is 36 women of 60-74 years-old who live in Panti Wredha Aisiyah and Panti Wredha Dharma Bakti of Surakarta. The movement disturbance is measured by using questionnaire and Katz Index is applied. Then, cognitive functions of the respondents are examined by using Mini Mental Status. Statistical analysis of Product Moment and chi-square was used to help analysis data. Result of statistical analysis of Product Moment that aided by SPSS 10.00 indicated there was a correlation between age and movement disturbance with significance value of 0.001 and there was no correlation between age and cognitive disturbance with significance value of 0.051. Statistical test of chi-square showed that movement disturbance give a contribution as 65% on cognitive function. It might be concluded that there was a correlation significantly between movement disturbance and cognitive function among elder women and disturbance give a contribution as 65% on cognitive function.en_US
dc.publisherProgram Studi Gizi Fakultas Kesehatan UMS - MUPen_US
dc.subjectelder womenen_US
dc.subjectfunctional activityen_US
dc.subjectmovement disturbanceen_US
dc.subjectcognitive functionen_US

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