Readings on Applied Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teacher and Teacher Researcher is a compilation of articles written for seminars and discussions. Several articles are actually complete handouts specifically prepared for teaching materials in Applied Linguistics course. All these are compiled into a book in order to be accessible in one place-as a handbook for Applied Linguistics course for students' of the English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. This book is particularly designed to serve effectively as a companion to TEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language) book, which is also prepared for students of the English Department. Anyhow any language teachers and teacher-researchers may take a "goodbenefit of this book.

Readings on Applied Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teacher and Teacher Researcher which comprises of fourteen topics needs to be understood by language teachers, teacher-trainees or teacher researchers to .establ~sh a .set of basic principles on. which to build classroom techniques as well as classroom research. Such background information would equip them with considerable knowledge on underlying principles of teaching methods and theories applicable. for classroom-related research. These topics are grouped into two.

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