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dc.description.abstract | Capital market is one of today’s economic instrument that has developed rapidly.
One way to measure the performance of capital market is a stock index. Some factors
can affect the stock index, such as domestic interest rates, foreign exchange rates,
international economic conditions, the country’s economic cycle, inflation rates, tax
regulations, the amount of money in circulation.The purpose of this study was to
analyze the effect of Interest Rates, Inflations, Exchange Rate of Rupiah, Money
Supply, Dow Jones Index variable for the volatility of IHSG in BEI (Bursa Efek
Indonesia). The method used multiple linier regression analysis. After that, we must
do a classical assumption test in order to make sure that the regression equation is
BLUE (Best, Linear, Unbiased, Estimator). In addition, to assess the goodness of fit
from a model, we use coefficient of determination test, F test and t test. The data for
this research were a monthly data from 2007 – 2010 for each variable. The results of
this study indicate that the SBI Interest Rates, and Rupiah Exchange rate were
negatively affected by IHSG. While the variables inflations, money supply and Dow
Jones Indeks had a positive effect on IHSG. For the F test, that’s all the independent
variable affected the IHSG. | en_US |