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dc.contributor.authorSuharto, Bambang
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dc.description.abstractThis article aimed to explore the destination management organization in Borobudur temple. The approach method used in this writing was descriptive interpretative of organization behavior which its data had been taken from literature study, participated observation, and the discussions in the seminars. Its findings showed that the more successful of an organization in managing Borobudur temple, the higher level of poverty in community around it. In fact, the behavior’s organization of TWC Borobudur has been focused on the running of legal and economics responsibilities rather than the social ones; such has been mandated by the vision of Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises in Law No. 40 of 2007 and Law No.10 of 2009. Moreover, it was aggravated by the behavior of urban society who also had their own interests. Finally, the local community would be more marginalized if there were no serious empowerment actions taken by the government immediately.en_US

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