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dc.contributor.authorSuharto, Agus
dc.contributor.authorSetiaji, Bambang
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dc.description.abstractResearch objectives are (1) To analyze the effect remuneration of job satisfaction at the Immigration Office of Surakarta. (2) To analyze the extent to which job satisfaction can increase job effectiveness at the Immigration Office of Surakarta. The population in this study were all employees of the Office of Immigration Surakarta with its population of 61 people. All members population sampled in the study. The data was collected with a questionnaire arranged in Likert scale. Data analysis techniques to test the research hypotheses using on regression analysis. The results of this study were (1) Remuneration to have a significant influence on employee job satisfaction at the Immigration Office of Surakarta is indicated by the value of beta coefficient of 0.502 and significant level of 0.000. This meant that the hypothesis which states that “Variable remuneration has a significant influence on job satisfaction of employees in the Office Immigration of Surakarta, it’s mean the hypothesis is true. (2) Job satisfaction has a significant influence on the effectiveness working at the Immigration Office of Surakarta is indicated by the value of beta coefficient of 0.725 and significant level of 0.000. This meant that the hypothesis which states that “variable job satisfaction has a significant influence on the effectiveness working in the Office Immigration of Surakarta, it’s mean the hypothesis is true. (3) The direct effect of remuneration on the effectiveness of 0.255 is more dominant than the effect of indirect remuneration to the effectiveness of work through job satisfaction with the number 0.250. This indicates that remuneration directly influence the effectiveness of employees working at the Office Immigration of Surakarta.en_US
dc.subjectjob satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectwork effectivenessen_US

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