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dc.contributor.authorSusilowati, Heni
dc.identifier.citationAl- Haddad, et. al, 2011, The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Jordanian Industrial Companies: An empirical study on Amman Stock Exchange, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 4; April 2011. Chairatanawan, Yongyoot, 2008, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management, Institute of International Studides, Ramkhamhaeng University Bangkok, Thailand. Cornett et al, (2006). Earnings Management, Corporate Governance, and True Financial Performance. Dechow dan Skinner, 2000, Earning Management : Reconciling the Views of Accounting Academics, Practitioners, and Regulators, Accounting Horizons, Volume 14, No.2, June 2000, p. 235-250. Ghozali, Imam. 2009. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS, Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Gideon SB Boediono. 2005. “Kualitas Laba: Studi Pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governace dan Dampak Manajemen Laba dengan Menggunakan Analisis Jalur.” Simposium Nasional Akuntansi VIII, IAI, Solo, 2005. Jensen, Michael C. dan W.H. Meckling. (1976). Theory of The Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Cost and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics 3. p. 305-360. Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance. 2006. “Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Governanc,” Marihot dan Dodi Setyawan (2007), Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Manajemen Laba Di Industri Perbankan Indonesia, Simposium Nasional Akuntansi X, Unhas Makasar 26-28 Juli 2007. Martono dan Agus Harjito, 2007, Manajemen Keuangan, Penerbit Ekonisia, Cetakan keenam, Yogyakarta. Mashayekhi, Bita dan Iraj Noravesh (2006), Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: Evidences from Iran, Teheran University. Murhadi, Werner, 2009, Good Corporate Governance and Earning Management Practices: An Indonesian Cases, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia, Email: Nurainun Bangun dan Vincent, 2008, Analisis Hubungan Corporate Governance terhadap Manajemen Laba, dengan Kinerja keuangan pada Perusahaan Manufakturyang Terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia, Jurnal Akuntansi/Tahun XII, No.3, hal 289-302. Ponnu, Cyril (2008), Corporate Governance Structures and the Performance of Malaysian Public Listed Companies, International Review of Business Research Papers Vol. 4 No.2 March 2008 Pp.217-230. Roodposhti dan Nabavi Chashmi, 2010, The Effect of Board Composition and Ownership Concentration on Earnings Management: Evidence from Iran, World Academy of Science Egineering and Technology, 662010. Santosa Singgih, 2000, Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik, Penerbit PT. Elek Media Komputindo, Jakarta. Sarikhani dan Ebrahimi, 2011, Corporate Governance and Earnings Informativeness: Evidence from Iran, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 65. Sunday, Kajola, 2008, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: The Case of Nigerian Listed Firms, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Tapanjeh, (2006), Good Corporate Governance Mechanism and Firms’ Operating and Financial Performance: Insight from the Perspective of Jordanian Industrial Companies, J. King Saud Univ, Vol. 19, Admin. Sci. (2), pp. 101-121, Riyadh. Ujiyanto dan Bambang A. Pramuka (2007), Mekanisme Corporate Governance, Manajemen Laba Dan Kinerja Keuangan ( Studi Pada Perusahaan go publik Sektor Manufaktur), Simposium Nasional Akuntansi X, Unhas Makasar 26-28 Juli 2007. Uadiale, Olayinka Marte, 2010, The Impact of Board Structure on Corporate Financial Performance in Nigeria, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2010. Utami, Rini Budi dan Rahmawati, 2008, Pengaruh Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Keberadaan Komite Audit terhadap Aktifitas Manajemen Laba Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdafar di BEJ, Prosiding Seminar Ketahanan Ekonomi Nasional(SKEN), UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, 24-25 Oktober 2008. Wild et al, 2005, Financial Statement Analysis: Analisis Laporan Keuangan, Edisi kedelapan, Buku satu, Penerbit Salemba Empat, Jakarta., Laporan Keuangan Tahunan 2008-2010en_US
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to examine the influence of corporate governance mechanism, namely institutional ownership, managerial ownership, size of board, proportion of independent board, size of audit committee and also another variable leverage to earnings management. And examine the influence of corporate governance mechanism and leverage to company performance. This research also examanines concequensies of earnings management to corporate performance.The research used secondary data in form of annual report which contained financial report’s company who listed in IDX website from 2008 to 2010. Sample gathered by purposive sampling method and give 198 companies for year 2008-2010. The method of analysis of this research used multi regression. The results of this research indicate that (1) The mechanism of corporate governance (managerial ownership, board size, and proportion of independent board) effect on earnings management. (2) The mechanism of corporate governance (institutional ownership and the proportion of independent board) as well as the leverage effect on company performance. (3) Earnings management influence on company performance. Earnings management made manager of the financial statements will affect the company’s performance.en_US
dc.subjectMechanisms of Corporate Governanceen_US
dc.subjectCorporate Performanceen_US

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