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dc.contributor.authorWulanningrum, Dian Nur
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dc.description.abstractIn a family, a child of occupying position based on birth the way had basic influence in development of child on the future. Birth by the numbers child in his family affects at personality, behavior, how to learn, and had an ability earning of their life. Birth by the numbers of a child also influences someone successfulness, especially at children coming from big family or from family with medium level economics. Emotional intelligence was ability of someone to recognize emotion of his selves to manages emotion, self-motivation his selves, recognizes emotion of others (empathy) and ability to construct relationship (cooperation) with others. The aim to know correlation between birth by the was in a family with emotional intelligence at adolescent in Muhammadiyah I High School of Klaten. This research is using quantitative research with descriptive method of correlative approach with cross sectional. Sampling technique applied is using proportionally random sampling and sum of samples were 77 samples at XI classes. Independent variable was birth by the numbers in a family and dependent variable was emotional intelligence. The Statistic test to prove hypothesis there was correlation between birth by the numbers in a family with emotional intelligence at adolescent at this research applies correlation Spearman Rank is used SPSS program for windows version 12.00. The result of correlation statistic test with result rank spearman was obtained rho xy 0,395 and r value at level significance 5% with N = 77 was 0.364, so, 0.395 > 0.364. (p-value) 0.0001 <0.05. from the result statistic test so conclusion was there was correlation between birth by the numbers in a family with emotional intelligence of adolescent in Muhammadiyah I High School of Klaten tableen_US
dc.subjectBirth by the Numbersen_US
dc.subjectEmotional Intelligenceen_US

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