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dc.contributor.authorListyawan, Anto Budi
dc.contributor.authorSari, Ditha Ayu Purnama
dc.identifier.citationBaecher, G.B. and Christian, J.T.. Reliability and Statistics in Geotechnical Engineering, 1 20 Analisis Dinding Penahan pada Tanah Pasir dengan Variasi Kedalaman Muka Air Tanah… ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, England, 2003 Farrington, P.A., Nembhard, H.B., Sturrock, D.T. and Evans, G.W. Defining a beta distribution function for construction simulation. Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation Conference, 1010-1015, 1999. Gogot S. Budi, 2011, Pondasi Dangkal, Penerbit ANDI, Yogyakarta. Hardiyatmo, H.C., Mekanika Tanah II, P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1994. Hardiyatmo, H.C., 2011. “Analisis dan Perancangan Pondasi I”, Edisi Kedua, Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Heri Pranata, 2010, Analisis Dinding Penahan Tanah dengan Perhitungan Manual dan Kontrol Gaya-Gaya Dalam yang Bekerja pada Dinding Penahan Tanah dengan Metode SAP 2000 Plane-Strain, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Hicks, M.A and Samy, K., Influence of heterogeneity on undrained clay slope stability. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 35, 41-49, 2002 Limpert, E., Stahel, W.A. and Abbt, M., Log-normal Distributions across the Sciences: Keys and Clues. Bioscience, 51, 341-352, 2001. Listyawan, A.B, Statistical Characterization of Spatial Variability for Jamuna River Sand, MSc, Dissertation, University of Manchester, UK, 2006 Pusat Litbang SDA, DPU, 2005. Sudarmanto, 1992. Slamet Murdiyanto, 2012, Analisas Stabilitas Lereng Metode Fellinius dengan Variasi Bidang Longsor berdasarkan Teori Probabilitas, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. SNI – 2827, 2008. Thurton P. Indra, 2009, Analisis Dinding Penahan Tanah yang Menggunakan Earth Berm sebagai Support dengan Plaxis. Wahyu C. Dan M. Ariyanto, 2011, Panduan Belajar Mandiri MATLAB, Penerbit PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H. and Myers, S.L. , Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 6 ed. New Jersey, 1998 Wong, S.Y., Stochastic characterization and reliability of saturated soils. PhD. Thesis, University of Manchester, UK, 2004.en_US
dc.description.abstractDeterministic analysis of retaining wall only takes account single soil properties that represent the whole data of soil. In contrary, probabilistic analysis accommodate the presence of variability by using all data of soil properties in a Monte Carlo method. The newest method is now widely applying in many geotechnical structure designs. This paper focuses on the analysis of retaining wall on sand using probabilistic analysis in a variation of water table depth. Retaining wall was sit in Jamuna River Sand and the depth of water table are 1 m and 3 m below soil surface respectively. The analysis begins by carrying conversion of tip resistant (q ) to friction angle, follows by representing the fit distribution of friction angles data in a form of Normal, Lo-normal, Beta, and Gamma distribution by ready program written in MATLAB. As statistics parameters derived, retaining wall was analyzed to determine the safety factor against sliding, overturning, and soil bearing capacity, by computer aid of Crystal Ball. Finally, the result of probabilistic analysis was compared to the conventional analysis. The result shows that both variations of retaining wall are unsafe in terms of sliding, overturning, and soil bearing capacity stabilities, either probabilistic and conventional analysis.en_US
dc.publisherMagister Teknik Sipil UMSen_US
dc.subjectCrystal Ballen_US
dc.subjectretaining wallen_US

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