The Study Of Selecting The Subcontractor Criteria By The Main Contractors Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method

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Messah, Yunita A.
Pono, Rohi D. Radja
Krisnayanti, Denik S.
Show full item recordAbstract
There are two ways of selecting the subcontractor by the main contractor namely direct and offering selection. The offering
selection is done if only the candidates are more than one and have unclear specification by determining all of the criteria that
should be fulfilled by the candidates. Those criteria are not set up in a written form as selecting the main contractor set up in
Peraturan Presiden No. 54 Tahun 2010. Thus, every main contractor has different criteria in selecting the subcontractor.
Therefore, this study is held in order to find the aspects and criteria used by the main contractors, such as BUMN and national
private companies in selecting the subcontractors. This research used AHP method supported by software expert choice.
There are six aspects in selecting the subcontractors namely: general aspects, financial aspects, technical aspects, managerial
aspects, safety aspects and aspects of the company's reputation. Every aspect has its own criteria and sub criteria. The result
of this research showed that from the BUMN there were 31.6% of financial aspects, 22.6% of technical aspects, 18.9% of
safety aspects, 11.8% of managerial aspects, 9% of company’s reputation aspects, and 6.1% of general aspects. In addition,
the most influential criteria was bid value dealt with 14.5%, while the most influential sub criteria was the lowest bid value
dealt with 12.4%. On the other side, the national private contractors had 27.1% of financial aspects, 18.7% of technical aspects,
17.4% of safety aspects, 15.2% of managerial aspects, 14.5% of company’s reputation aspects, and 7.1% of general
aspects. The most influential criteria was bid value dealt with 9.7% and the lowest bid value for its sub criteria dealt with
8.1%. It simply can be concluded that the BUMN and national private contractors have set different stages of aspects and criteria
in selecting the subcontractors specifically for the safety and managerial aspects.