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dc.description.abstract | Landslides slope phenomenon due to changes in pore water pressure which will occur naturally or planned when there is no
reinforcement. Reinforcement can be naturally, this is the case when the slopes are in the root of the tree that is strong enough
and resilient so as to withstand the changes. Planned reinforcement occurs when the slopes are man-made slopes (man made).
In Indonesia there are two seasons, many of the area or region is hilly and wooded no longer, so the potential occurrence of
landslides the rainy season. Therefore necessary slope stabilization methods are relatively easy and fast implementation.
Stabilization methods on the surface of the anchoring head is expected to provide appropriate solutions. This study is a
continuation of a previous study in which addition is done by providing anchorage reinforcement square-headed, plus the
addition of the load on the slopes. The research objective is to find out how much the increase in pore water stress that caused
the collapse of the slope, and determine the relationship between the voltage as a function of the properties (properties) and
the soil pressure acting on the ground in order to obtain the slope safety factor. The second is how much influence anchoring
square-headed with the addition of the load on slope stability. Observations made on a laboratory scale, flexible pole model
used cylindrical steel with a diameter of 3 mm. Loading models use an iron plate, to load a floor of 6.94 gr/cm2 and expenses
amounting to 20.83 gr/cm2 three floors, with a slope angle of 45o, 60o, and 75o. Observations showed that the safety factor
decreases as the magnitude of loading. This can be seen on the parameters of the safety factor. So it can be concluded that the
loading effect on the safety factor. The results of calculation of the value of safety factor, is inversely proportional to the
magnitude of loading, ie loading the greater the smaller the safety factor. However, the safety factor is directly proportional to
the time of the collapse, the greater the safety factor of a slope, the greater the duration required for collapse. | en_US |