Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Manajemen Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Ketrampilan Komputer dan Pengolahan Informasi untuk Membentuk Kemandirian Peserta Didik di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
The objectives of this research me to describe (1) the basic formation of KKPI
curriculum to establish the independence of learners, (2) preparatory of KKPI curriculum
to establish the independence of the learner, (3) ...
Pengelolaan Kerjasama Sekolah dengan Dunia Usaha / Dunia Industri Studi Situs Smk Negeri 2 Kendal)
The purpose of the study was to describe ( 1 ) the empowerment potential of school support cooperation with Du / Di , ( 2 ) implementation of SMK Negeri 2 Kendal cooperation with Du / Di .This research is qualitative, ...
Pengelolaan BOS SMP Negeri 1 Simo dalam Mekanisme APBD Pemerintah Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun 2011
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-07)
The focus of this research is the management of School Service Funding in
Junior High School 1 of Simo. The objectives of this research are to describe
the planning, implementation and the reporting of School Service ...
Pengembangan Model Desain Konseptual Manajemen Pelatihan Seni Rupa Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Kota Semarang
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-07)
The background of this research has not managed with maximum visual
arts training, duties of the demands of teachers and kindergarten teachers
are required to be creative in developing and making learning. The purpose ...
Pengelolaan Sekolah Berbasis Mutu Studi Situs di SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo
The purpose of the study are: 1) To get a description about the condition of education quality in general in SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo, in order to describe the real fact of the education quality in SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo; ...
Manajemen Unit Produksi Berbasis Inovasi Produk (Studi pada SMK Negeri 7 Purworejo)
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of: planning, implementation
and supervision of the production
unit based product
innovations developed in SMK
qualitat ...
Pengelolaan Supervisi Akademik Pengawas Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the implementation of the regulatory
supervision of the elementary school learning activities, and
to describe
(lppmums, 2009-06)
Hypovolemic shock occurs when there is a loss of intravascular fluid volume. In hypovolemic shock the
volume is inadequate to fill the vascular space. The most common cause of hypovolemic shock is
hemorraghe (an excessive ...
(lppmums, 2011-06)
This article aimed to explore the destination management organization in
Borobudur temple. The approach method used in this writing was descriptive
interpretative of organization behavior which its data had been taken ...
Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Ekonomi Sekolah Standar Nasional
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2012-01)
The objective of the study is to describe the characteristic of economy
learning management at SMP Negeri 1 Ngrampal Sragen. Specifically, the
objectives of the study are: 1) to describe the characteristics of teachers’ ...