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dc.contributor.authorSuangga, Made
dc.contributor.authorMahatmaputra, Samuel
dc.identifier.citationChen, W.F., Duan, L. (2002). Bridge Engineering Hand Book, CRC Press. Gimsing, N. J. (1997). Cable Supported Bridges: Concept and Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Miyata, T., Yamada, H., Kazama, K. (1995) "On Application of The Direct Flutter FEM Analysis for Long Span Bridges." Proc., 9th International Conference, New Delhi, India, 1995, pp. 793-802. Miyata, T.,Sato, H.,Toriumi, R.,Kitagawa, M.,Katsuchi, H.(1995) "Full Model wind Tunnel Study on The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge", Proc., 9th International Conference, New Delhi, India, 1995, pp. 793-802 Sachs, P. (1978). Wind Forces in Engineering. Edisi ke 2, Pargamon Press. Simiu, E., Scanlan, R.H. (1996). Wind Effect on Structures. 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996 Suangga, M. (2002). “ Beban Dinamik Angin pada Jembatan Bentang Panjang”. Conference on Long Span Bridge, Tarumanagara University. The State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering (SLDRCE) of Tongji University, (2005). “Wind Tunnel Study on Wind Resistant Performance Of Suramadu Bridge In Indonesia.” The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridgeen_US
dc.identifier.issn1411- 8904
dc.description.abstractIn long span bridge projects, wind can give significant influence on the bridge structure. Previous experience and research shows that wind effect could lead to the problem of safety and serviceability. It can even cause instability of the whole bridge structure due to its extremely flexible structural characteristics. Flutter is one of the most important phenomena to be considered during the design of long span bridge. There are many methods available for flutter prediction of long span bridge including numerical analytical method. Flutter software usually developed in the laboratory environment with significat limitation in the input and output process of the analysis. This reseach is intended to develop a software for flutter analysis for both suspension bridge and cable stayed bridge which is easy to use. The software is design to be installed in PC under wondows platform. Input and ourput modul is included in the software to have a user friendly software. Foe case study, Akashi Kaikyo bridge is analyzed and presented in this papperen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectflutter softwareen_US
dc.subjectcable stayed bridgeen_US
dc.subjectsuspenson bridgeen_US
dc.titleFlutter Analysis Software Prototype For Long Span-Bridgeen_US
dc.title.alternativePrototype Perangkat Lunak Analysis Flutter Pada Jembatan Bentang Panjangen_US

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